Friday, January 11, 2013

Wrapping Up

Next week is my last week of work before starting my maternity leave. This is pretty crazy to me because I planned to work right up until I went into labor and instead I'll be off a full week before my due date. Weeee!

I've been working from home for the most part and only going into the office one day per week. In order to keep myself from going stir-crazy and unproductive I've been dropping Sam off at school and then heading to the local Starbucks to work for the morning. 

Productivity things.
I usually work from 8ish till lunch time. The benefits are that I feel a sense of peer pressure to actually focus on work and not scan the latest Apartment Therapy articles because my Sbux neighbor will see that I'm not working and silently shake their head at my sloth like behavior. So I read proposals. I write emails. I eat some junk food and/or the healthier food I'm hiding in my giant bag. 

Yesterday, my favorite Starbucks friend and the cutest dog I've ever seen was there as well. 

He also happens to have the best name ever, Nick.

Most important part of my work day was taking a baby bump picture in the bathroom. If I ever spent time with other adults I could actually have photos of myself OUTSIDE of the Starbucks bathroom. But I am a loser face and husband gets home so late that I'm usually in my giant fluffy robe by the time he can take a photo of me. That's if I'm even awake by the time he comes in. So, bathroom photos it shall be.

15 days till dooms day...I mean due date.

And finally, when I got home I found Sam's Lego carwash in the bathroom. These Legos, he loves them, and Tripp loves them, and they're taking over my house. And I hate them. The end.

One more week of work left. I have to force myself to give a crap and wrap everything up. Seriously.

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