Now the whole family is well rested and much happier all round.
Sam is practically in college now - he loves to eat avocados I mash up with a fork, as well as bananas and pretty much everything we give him, except for the carrots I made. I'm not sure what it is but he does NOT like my carrots. He'll eat Gerber carrots but mine make him get this funny look on his face like I'm trying to poison him or something. I tasted them - they tasted like carrots...I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe Gerber puts magic baby dust in their carrots???
Oh yeah, and Sam loooooves to swim. He's a little fish. He will hang out in the pool at grandma's house for hours as happy as a can be.
Here is Sam right before going swimming:

I am also now taking my course in manuscript editing - because doing it all day just isn't enough - I just need to spend every waking hour reading and editing manuscripts - ALL DAY EVERY DAY DAMN IT! The course isn't too bad actually, and for a change I get to work on fiction! Woo hoo! The only down side is that I now have homework. How the f' am I supposed to find time to do homework?!? Sometimes I'm pretty sure I have mental problems.
Otherwise life is good - work is good - Sam's new sitter is great - Charlie the cat is usually not fed cause we don't remember but I tell myself she's good too. . . she might disagree.
Oh - but there is one thing...
One really terrible, awful, horrible, nightmarish thing...
It's Elif
AKA Turkey
She... well...
She frigging left me forever and ever to move to Santa Monica California last weekend!!!!!! What a jerk! Seriously. Jerk. Dear Elif, I hope you're reading this blog right now ya big brat, and I hope that you see that I'm calling you a big jerk. And I hope your new apartment is nice and that you make lots of new friends, and blah blah blah. Really I just hope you change your mind and come back!!! New York City is, like, way cooler than LA. I mean, everyone knows that, every 'cept you, apparently. Oh well...
Seriously, I miss her.

The skinny little wench at her last Jersey City bbq.
So I'm sad to took me till now to see this message :( I'm sorry I'm a jerk :( But it was pretty funny to read it. You made my morning :)
It's Jake's fault any how. You should be cursing him! But in any me, I know NYC is better...but living at the beach is pretty freak'n cool! I miss you guys terribly!
Sam's swimming outfit is absolutely adorable.
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