Isn't that enough to make you just want to eat his little face off? Well you can't because I've got dibs on it.

I am now less than one week away from going back to work, eck. Thankfully I'm going to be working from home for the first four weeks. It'll let me ease back into the work flow a little more smoothly. Looking at my work inbox and all of the emails piling up there, I'd really rather just quit and find a new job where I can start all over. But that's probably just my Libran inability to follow through on things.

I'm not sure how things will work out when I go back to work at the office. Poor Tripp can't handle it when Sam starts screaming like a banshee. Right now I do a lot of the leg work when it comes to taking care of the little man since I'm home all day and Tripp's at work. But once we're both working Tripp's gonna have to start taking on more and I'm afraid he's in for a rude awakening. Sam's usually really happy and playful when Tripp gets home from work, and he doesn't see the cranky Sam. For the past two nights Sam has started screaming as soon as Tripp gets home, and then Tripp gets really upset, and takes it personally. He may have a mental break down when I fist go back to the office.
Wish me luck for next week!
Aww! He's so adorable especially with his eyes open. Can't wait to see him in person.
Good luck with going back to work, I know it'll be an adjustment, but I'm confident you'll get through all the initial muck.
Take care!
Happiest Baby On the Block. Get that video! I'm telling you, it knocked out my friend's baby in 10 minutes. They have 5 different techniques for getting babies to stop crying. They are no new techniques, just ones that might be new to you if you don't have 5 kids already.
ps- did tripp tell you I put the first photo on my desktop at work? Everyone wants to eat Sam, he's so cute!
I would totally eat Sam's face if I wasn't kind sick right now. He's too cute. Good luck to you both as you start to juggle work and baby.
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